
How much stuff is there in your life right now that you are carrying?…
Carrying the events of your life like baggage…it is heavy and cumbersome>>>

Days; weeks that all together pass like a flash and turn into years and decades within the mere wink of an eye!

as you are reading this:
Forget past mistakes – just LET IT go

Forget failures – just LET IT go

let go

Forget everything that really does not serve you or enhance your experience of LIFE!

you have grown from it – you have learnt to BE more!

Powerfully switch your attention: …Forget everything except what you are going to do NOW !
– and then DO IT with great attention and with your important presence!
Let your action speak for you – tell the world who you ARE …..inDEED!

That amazing wondrous feeling of achievement is only ever an action away!
charlottespirydonova xxx

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